News (en)

Russian government to invest in its forestry and paper industry

The Russian government plans to invest up to 400 billion rubles (USD$13,3 billion) in the development of national forestry and paper industry during the next several years. This should help to solve the major problems of the industry, among which are corruption, illegal cutting and lack of legal framework, according to President Vladimir Putin.

Putin said that Russia currently experiences a lack of policy of effective forest regeneration and use. In addition, there is currently no strict responsibility for cutting. The annual contribution of forest and paper sector to the country’s GDP decreased from year to year: in 2003 it was 2.3%, while in 2012 it declined up to 1.6%, he said.

It is planned that the majority of funds will be invested in the implementation of 118 strategic projects in the field of paper and forestry.

According to Putin, current negative situation in the industry is the result of its decentralization, taking into account that over the past 20 years, the forest industry was resubordinated four times.

Источник: Pulp & Paper



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