
SBO-PAPER.RU is an Internet project on information and research which today produces a considerable volume of data on the industry (PPI).

We have been monitoring the pulp and paper markets (Russian, CIS, European and Global), domestic publishing and printing industry as well as the domestic printing materials market for more than fifteen years. Our field of interest comprises M&As, shut down and closure of enterprises, capacities curtailment, launching new projects and products, pricing policies, changes in customs procedures and legislation.

In our work we make use of companies' press releases, customs statistics, decisions and documents of the Russian Government. We also maintain our own statistics on actual consumption of different types of paper, board, other press products and on printing capacities in Russia, etc.

Proposals on Partnership and Co-operation

On the basis of our knowledge of the industry and the experience gained we offer to international research co-operation with the information exchange. You have an opportunity to obtain more quality information on the Russia and CIS pulp, paper and printing markets. We are sincerely open for any proposals and ideas and would be happy to learn what your interests are.


Ekaterina Kirichenko
Editor-in-Chief of project


Olga Shirokova
Executive Director of Paper Distributors Association of Russia
E-mail:           Группа СБО & на FB


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